AASHTO M 221M/M 221-09
1.1. This specification covers welded wire reinforcement made from cold-worked drawn or rolleddeformed wire, or a combination of deformed and non-deformed wires, to be used for thereinforcement of concrete.
Note 1--Welded wire for concrete reinforcement has been described by various terms: weldedwire fabric, WWF, fabric, and mesh. The wire reinforcement industry prefers the term weldedwire reinforcement (WWR) as being more representative of the range of products beingmanufactured. Therefore, the term welded wire fabric has been replaced with the term weldedwire reinforcement in this specification and in related specifications.
1.2. This specification is applicable for orders in either SI units (M 221M) or in inch-pound units(M 221). SI units and inch-pound units are not necessarily equivalent. Inch-pound units are shownin brackets in the text for clarity, but they are the applicable values when the material is orderedto M 221. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with thestandard.