BS 7429:1991
Specifies features, facilities and special requirements for safety, performance, security and maintenance for television receivers and picture monitors which do not include reception facilities. Covers equipment supplied with or without a stand and composite video and RGB-video monitors with or without sound channels.
Cross References: BS 415*BS 905*BS 1363*BS 2011:Part 2. 1*BS 2470*BS 3041:Part 2*BS 3042*BS 3549*BS 4464*BS 4727:Part 3*BS 4875*BS 5378:Part 1*BS 5817:Part 3*BS 5817:Part 7*BS 5819*BS 5873*BS 5942:Part 7*BS 6250*BS 6259*BS 6330*BS 6552*BS 6840:Part 3*BS 6840:Part 11*BS 6840:Part 13*BS 6840:Part 15*BS 9210:N0004*BS CECC 11000*IEC 130-8*IEC 130-9*CIE 15.2*Education Reform Act 1988*
Keywords: Television receivers; Television equipment; Television; Display devices; Educational equipment ; Electrical safety; Stability; Design; Portable; Control devices; Electrical impedance; Input impedance; Video signals; Acoustic signals; Performance; Sound intensity; Electric connectors ; Electric contacts; Numerical designations; Environment (working); Mechanical testing; Mobile ; Supports; Wheels; Size
Product Code(s): 00259182,00259182